Where to Donate

Where should I donate?

When people ask me "where should I donate?" I give them three options.

- A local abortion fund or support group.
- A local advocacy group.
- OARS, the Online Abortion Resource Squad.

I want to donate to a local abortion fund.

Great choice!  These funds not only help pay for procedures, they also help cover hotels, plane tickets, sometimes even childcare!

A good way to find your local abortion fund is NNAF -- the National Network of Abortion Funds.

How do I pick an abortion fund or advocacy group?

If you saw my sign in Colorado, you have a few options.

- Cobalt is the umbrella abortion-support organization for Colorado. They also coordinate different pro-choice groups in Colorado and do amazing political work. You can choose which of those branches to donate to! Donate here.

- Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains also does direct patient support. A lot of people don't realize that Planned Parenthood is divided into local affiliates! You can donate specifically to PPRM here.

- The Colorado Doula Project does direct patient support, including organizing volunteers to, for example, give rides from the airport. You can donate to them here.

- COLOR (Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights) does grassroots organizing and political action with a focus on communities of color and reproductive justice.  You can read more about them and donate here.

And there are more!  But you can see from these four that there are bigger and smaller organizations, with a range of direct patient support, in-house care provision, and organizational strategies.  Pick the one that best aligns with your values!

I recommend people donate locally because big national organizations (like NAF or NARAL) often have big donors to match.

But I don't live in Colorado.

I'm sorry.  We have amazing mountains and abortion access.

There is no state-by-state listing of advocacy groups that I know of.  You can either stick with an abortion fund from NNAF or dig in to exploring your local political community!

Wait but what's OARS?

OARS is the Online Abortion Resource Squad.

I recommend them as a place to donate because I think, dollar-for-dollar, it's the most effective way to help right now.  They have transformed the abortion subreddit into a source for around-the-clock accurate information on abortion access.  70K people visit /r/abortion every month.

It may seem the opposite of my "act locally" advice above, but if you use Reddit, then OARS is a local group for you!

Put simply, it's where I donate!

Who are you?

I'm an abortion provider in Colorado.  If you know a bunch of Colorado abortion providers, you probably know me.

I made a sign for a post-Dobbs rally that said "payforabortions.com."  Then I was digging out my sign for a rally and discovered that the website had expired.

I had two options: go make a new sign, or pick up the URL and make the website.  I chose the one that didn't involve leaving my house.